Is it a Joke?

Graham Norton
Ricky Gervais
Georgie Paix

Fri 13 December 2024

11:00 am - 12:00 pm

Memorial Hall

Marzipan lemon drops marzipan cake shortbread gingerbread chupa chups sesame snaps jujubes. Ice cream oat cake icing apple pie lollipop candy canes shortbread pie dragée. Pie tiramisu bonbon tootsie roll icing sweet roll.


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  • Available for sessions on Friday 13th December only.
  • No concessions or bulk discounts.
  • No Concessions
  • No Early Bird Discounts
  • No Bulk Buy Discounts
  • Apply to Standard and Concession Tickets only
  • Discount is applied at Checkout

3+ tickets purchased at the same time = 5% off total order price

6+ tickets purchase at the same time = 10% off total order price

10+ tickets purchased at the same time = 15% of total order price

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